CDA | Impressing Solutions



Doing business in an ecologically responsible manner is a key element of CDA’s philosophy. Our commitment to environmentally friendly processes is apparent in many areas of our production. A case in point is the heat produced by the industrial facilities that is used for heating. The waste water produced is treated in a water purification plant which is monitored daily and inspected by the environmental authority at regular intervals.

As a matter of course CDA fully supports the implementation of European REACH regulation of 1 June 2006 (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) and has taken all measures necessary for a timely implementation.

We are capable of listing in detail the ingredients of our products in a job-related manner and based on the requirements of the IMDS (International Material Data System) and thus meet in particular the needs of our customers from the automotive sector.

In our production process, we primarily use environmentally friendly and recyclable fabrics and materials. The means of production are retrofitted, such as polycarbonate waste, sputtering masks and even our cleaning rags.
Our procurement policy is also focussed on eco-friendly products. Our in-house paper printing centre uses primarily paper from sustainable forestry certified according to PEFC. It is thus made sure that the pulp used comes from well-managed forests and other controlled origins.
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